Top 10 AI tools for HR professionals

Laim Fren

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HR professionals

The human resources (HR) department performs different tasks, from recruiting new employees to managing existing ones. To streamline these processes, a growing number of organizations are using artificial intelligence (AI) tools, software solutions that make people’s lives easier.

AI tools have advanced features based on both machine and deep learning to analyze data, make predictions and recommendations, categorize objects, aid decision-making, and more. Implementing them can save time and resources.

When used in HR, AI tools can simplify and automate recruitment, whether domestic or for a global talent acquisition strategy. They also provide personalized guidance during the onboarding and training of new HR professionals and monitor the performance and engagement of existing team members.

AI tools make routine HR tasks easier and quicker, freeing up HR professionals to focus on the important jobs. Here are the 10 best options on the market that you can incorporate in your organization to make your processes smoother and sleeker.

Top 10 AI tools for HR professionals

For talent recruitment:

  1. Skillate

This platform has an advanced decision-making engine designed to streamline the recruitment process. It ensures fast and seamless simultaneous hiring by using big tech to filter large databases at high speed.

If you want to search for a candidate to fill a specific vacancy, Skillate allows you to browse a wide range of HR professionals through an in-depth data analysis that discards inappropriate resumes and finds the closest matches to your requirements.

It also has an advanced function to advertise positions in a creative way, which will help you attract the best talent, whether they are national or if you are looking for personnel in other territories when hiring internationally.

  1. Manatal

This software helps you to find and hire the best candidates in the shortest possible time. The platform is fully customizable and enriched with data from professional and employment networks such as LinkedIn for accurate recommendations. 

Manatal has several functions that help you improve the analysis of information, from the publication of a vacancy within your organization to the onboarding of employees.

With features such as reporting and analytics, applicant tracking, and the ability to create a job board, it is one of the favorite platforms among more than 10,000 recruiting teams in over 135 countries.

  1. Arya

Arya helps to improve the candidate experience during recruitment. The software has specialized features that help select the most competent HR professionals throughout the selection process.

Using its holistic, multidimensional approach, Arya helps connect candidates with real jobs. In addition, it is a platform designed to meet the needs of any job seeker, not just companies. This means good candidates often prefer it.

Ayra announces itself as an ideal platform for large corporations and staffing firms in North America. It offers recruitment solutions by industry, job, or company, meaning it is flexible and customizable.

  1. X0PA AI

Nowadays, more companies are interested in having diverse and non-discriminatory teams. Thus, to reduce any human bias that may occur during recruitment, HR departments use X0PA AI.

This B2B SaaS (Software as a Service) platform helps find professionals based on skills, experience, recommendations from previous employers, and performance prediction, ignoring characteristics such as race, gender, or age.

X0PA AI also fully automates the recruitment process by facilitating the creation of vacancies, publishing them on the most comprehensive channels, and improving interview scheduling through its applicant tracking system.

For employee onboarding:

  1. Leena AI

This tool features a virtual assistant that accelerates the onboarding of employees into an organization, with features such as AI-powered question automation so that new talent always has access to vital information.

Leena AI also facilitates business communication, streamlines knowledge management, and provides intelligent analytics, which increases productivity and efficiency. It is also a great help in managing corporate documents for the smooth running of the organization.

It works in conjunction with existing company platforms and other AI tools used in the HR department to maximize the functionality of each system and integrate all programs.

  1. Talmundo

This digital onboarding solution offers a streamlined experience for new team members thanks to its user-friendly software and detailed, customizable paths. Automated and tailored functions help save time and make a good impression on newcomers.

Talmundo also boasts task automation features, engaging content, easy-to-design electronic forms, real-time progress tracking, and much more, all to improve and facilitate onboarding wherever you are.

When employee onboarding becomes seamless, talent retention improves, productivity increases, and the HR team can focus on other, less routine tasks.

  1. Rippling

Companies with small teams and those with a distributed workforce can improve employee onboarding with Rippling. This robust system streamlines the sourcing, payment, and administration of local employees and international independent contractors.

Rippling is one of the favorite platforms for HR teams, as onboarding employees and freelancers can be done in as little as 90 seconds.

This complete platform manages everything from the arrival of new team members to the departure of staff and the control of the organization’s finances. It also integrates with other software such as Google Workspace, Slack, and Asana.

For personnel administration:

  1. ClickUp

Team management, especially for remote teams, is easier when you have everything in one place, so more organizations and HR professionals are turning to ClickUp.

This software helps simplify your work and maximize your time by planning, tracking, and handling tasks with an easy and intuitive project manager system. It also has a real-time chat where you can link those tasks and add other items.

ClickUp allows you to track task progress in real-time, update workflows on a dashboard, easily and clearly view the team calendar and more advanced features.

  1. Effy AI

Organizations, HR departments, and outsourcing companies looking for a robust and cost-effective system to manage employees will find it in Effy AI, which allows them to store employee information in one place.

This platform has an intuitive design to facilitate the automation of essential HR processes, as well as a variety of templates for employee satisfaction surveys and reporting.

Effy also has functions that allow performance review and 360 feedback in 60 seconds through review forms and evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, and compliance with objectives.

  1. Quinyx

This new workforce management platform enables complete control of employee onboarding, hiring costs, payroll, and other administrative tasks. It aims to bring everything into a single place.

The AI behind Quinyx helps HR departments quickly analyze data and predict scenarios based on this information, manage communication with employees, improve interaction between different teams, and obtain reports on employee performance.

Erik Fjellborg founded Quinyx after recognizing managers’ numerous challenges in manually organizing HR tasks while working at McDonald’s. Then, he developed workforce management software to reduce costs, comply with regulations, and interact with employees.

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